ExtraMileJA & WebDev GO Enable Possibilities

We create websites that help you to increase your Book Sales and Profits. Plans and packages are below. Why Not start on yours today?


Web Package Plans*

Standard Setup

Bespoke high-quality with a
cost-effective entry point.


Up to 6-Web Pages

14-Days Delivery

Premium Responsive Design

Fast Loading Pages

SSL Security

Direct Chat FB/WhatsApp

Training Included (2-hours)

PayPal eCommerce (add $230)

Landing Page Website**

A ‘One-Pager’ website
targeting a product/idea.


Up to 2-Web Pages

7-Days Delivery

Premium Responsive Design

Fast Loading Pages

SSL Security

Direct Chat FB/WhatsApp

Training Included (1.5-hours)

PayPal eCommerce (add $230)

Standard-Plus Website

For web solutions that require
more detail/marketing spread.


Up to 12-Web Pages

21-Days Delivery

Premium Responsive Design

Fast Loading Pages

SSL Security

Direct Chat FB/WhatsApp

Training Included (3-hours)

PayPal eCommerce (add $230)

* Figures quoted are in $USD. Other costs that the client is expected to pay for include: the Domain Name and Web Hosting plan (~$60/year), and the Web Template used as the basis for the overall design (~$70, one-time). Clients own all created graphics and digital assets, their website, hosting, and domain name.

** For the Landing Page Website (2-page package) ALL funding is required up-front. For the other packages we collect 50% of the cost of the project up-front. The other half comes after the project’s successful completion.


+1 876 279 1325

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